Fabrication of a “Jam Jar” Amplifier
An electric guitar is as good as the amplifier that is connected to it. Without an it, the guitar is not very useful to play any music. Amplifier comes in many form and can be powerful enough to make a full stadium shake. Here, we will be building one of the smallest amp you can make: a jelly jar amp. You can find various examples of this amp online and you can even buy it already built or in a kit. But here, I will show you how you can make it on your own for a couple of bucks, with few tools and components.

First Inlay With a CNC
For the first test using my newly built CNC machine, I chose to make an inlay form a simple motif. I decided to use a simple and small drawing with some sharp corners, to see how well it performs and to test the accuracy of the machine.

Building a CNC router
Most computer aided manufacturing systems have a common structure: a multiple axis control system. This allow for accessing a specific point in space to either remove material (laser cutter, milling machine, CNC router) or add material (3D printing). The number of axes depends on the type of machine and the flexibility needed. It can vary from two axes for a laser or plasma cutters up to five axes for the most complex milling machines. The most common tools can be controlled in three directions for the tool to reach any point in the 3D space.

A 3D Printed Arm For Aristide
Few month ago, I was told the story of Aristide. Due to a congenital disease, Aristide is born without arms nor legs. He is now 9 years old. He lives in Senegal where it is difficult to get help with such a complicated pathology. It is already hard to have access to simple leg prosthesis so thinking about a patient specific bionic arm was completely out of the question. Fortunately, the rising of 3D printing methods allow for the realization of relatively simple custom prosthesis. Several examples can be found ranging from the simple shape to futuristic bionic arms a la Star Wars.